Zeynep Cipiloglu Yildiz1, Cengiz Öztireli2, Tolga Capin3
1Department of Computer Engineering, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey
2Computer Graphics Lab, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland
3Computer Engineering Department, TED University, 06420 Kolej/Ankara, Turkey
To decide whether the perceived quality of a mesh is influenced by a certain modification such as compression or simplification, a metric for estimating the visual quality of 3D meshes is required. Today, machine learning and deep learning techniques are getting increasingly popular since they present efficient solutions to many complex problems. However, these techniques are not much utilized in the field of 3D shape perception. We propose a novel machine learning-based approach for evaluating the visual quality of 3D static meshes. The novelty of our study lies in incorporating crowdsourcing in a machine learning framework for visual quality evaluation. We deliberate that this is an elegant way since modeling human visual system processes is a tedious task and requires tuning many parameters. We employ crowdsourcing methodology for collecting data of quality evaluations and metric learning for drawing the best parameters that well correlate with the human perception. Experimental validation of the proposed metric reveals a promising correlation between the metric output and human perception. Results of our crowdsourcing experiments are publicly available for the community.