Further Graphics
Course Web Page
Course Moodle Page
Aims and Learning Outcomes
- Students understand and use fundamental 3D geometry/scene representations and operations.
- Students learn animation techniques and controls.
- Students learn how light transport is modeled and simulated in rendering.
- Students understand how graphics and rendering can be used to solve computer perception problems.
- Geometry representations: parametric surfaces, implicit surfaces, meshes, point-set surfaces, geometry processing pipeline. [1 lecture]
- Discrete Differential Geometry: surface normal and curvature, Laplace-Beltrami operator, heat diffusion. [1 lecture]
- Geometry Processing: parametrization, filtering, 3D capture. [1 lecture]
- Animation I: animation types, animation pipeline, rigging/skinning, character animation. [1 lecture]
- Animation II: blending transformations, pose-space animation, controllers. [1 lecture]
- The Rendering Equation: radiosity, reflection models, BRDFs, local vs. global illumination. [1 lecture]
- Distributed Ray Tracing: quadrature, importance sampling, recursive ray tracing. [1 lecture]
- Inverse Rendering: differentiable rendering, inverse problems. [1 lecture]